Stock analysis simply explained

Jun 13, 2022 | Knowledge

Stock analysis simply explained

In a stock analysis, a company is systematically analyzed by an analyst. This stock analysis includes the latest quarterly figures, a longer history and forecasts. A stock analysis consists of the following topics...

What is a stock analysis?

In a stock analysis, a company is systematically analyzed by an analyst. This stock analysis includes the latest quarterly figures, a longer history and forecasts.

A share analysis consists of the following topics:

  • Presentation of the company and business model
  • The latest quarterly figures
  • Forecast of the management and stock analysts
  • Key figures according to the appropriate investment strategy
  • Valuation of the share
  • Risks of the company
  • Final conclusion

The conclusion can be different. New shares are regularly analyzed and presented on the blog. These are not investment advice or recommendations for action, but represent a personal opinion.

It is therefore important that you come to one of the following recommendations yourself:

  • Hold
  • Sell
  • Buy

So that you don't lose sight of the share, it is worth adding it to your watchlist first.

Oscar Leistikow

Written By: Oscar Leistikow

Oscar Leistikow holds a Master's degree in Controlling and is at home in the world of numbers thanks to his many years of professional experience in the finance department of a DAX-listed company. He is fascinated by the capital markets and is an enthusiastic private investor himself. His aim is to pass on his knowledge of shares and the stock market and to develop StocksGuide into a leading tool for private investors.